Are you looking to start your own business in Canada? Our Self-Employed category offers resources and information on registering your business, obtaining permits and licenses, and more. In Canada, hopes & aspirations can take flight. Canada’s self-employed program is a boon for self-employed professionals.
Do you have the wherewithal to launch your business in Canada? From reviewing your portfolio to filing your application, Cosmic Immigration Service is here to help you navigate the legal process. Find out if you qualify for an Open Work Permit and what other requirements there are by speaking with one of our consultants.
You & your immediate family (dependant) may be able to apply for a business immigrant visa if you’re self-employed and interested in relocating to one of Canada’s territories. Demonstrated records of successful self-employment within the appropriate sector, the intention to be self-employed in Canada, meet language proficiency and financial stability standards, as well as the ability to make substantial cultural and economic contributions to Canada, are prerequisites for this category.
The Federal Self-Employed class is an immigration program designed for individuals who have experience in cultural or athletic activities & wish to become self-employed. The business categories that fall under this program include –
The Quebec Self-Employed Program is purely designed to attract self-employed individuals with relevant experience in certain industries to Quebec. Applicants must demonstrate that they have the intention and ability to be self-employed in Quebec, have a minimum net worth, and meet other eligibility requirements, such as language proficiency.
The program is open to individuals who have relevant experience in the following job categories –
Be sure you’re prepared to make a positive impact. It would strengthen your application if you could demonstrate to the immigration official that you run your business entirely on a self-employed basis. Know that Quebec has its own specific regulations.
Self-employment in Canada requires a connection to at least one category from the cultural field. Find out from ESDC what you need to know about qualified activities. 2 years of experience in your field and a score of 35 or more on a selection parameter is must.
Are you a self-employed individual with relevant experience in arts, culture, athletics, or agricultural production? The Self-Employed Program may be the perfect opportunity for you to immigrate to Canada and contribute to the vibrant culture and economy of Quebec.
Get in touch with us if you want some help figuring things out. Contact Cosmic Immigration today to learn more and start your application.