Canada though its refugee class immigration will open its gates to people of all faiths who are terrorized from violence, terror, and persecution, and actively seeking asylum. There is no way for them to go back home. They have either witnessed or been through many terrible things.
As opposed to an immigrant (anyone who moves to a new country with the intent of making that new country his or her permanent home), a refugee is a different kind of subject. In Canada, many people have already taken refugee status because they had to.
Applying for refugee class immigration? Cosmic Immigration Service consultants are able to provide individualized service. Rest assured that your application is completed with your specific situation in mind.
Government-Assisted Refugee Program: Provides financial assistance and support to refugees
Private Sponsorship: Allows citizens, organizations, and faith groups to sponsor refugees
Blended Visa Program: Combines elements of both government and private sponsorship
Joint Assistance Sponsorship: A partnership between the government and private sponsors to provide support and resettlement services to refugees with special needs.
Humanitarian & Compassionate: Provides a pathway to PR for individuals in Canada who are in exceptional circumstances and cannot return to their home country.
Once a CIC officer decides that a refugee protection claimant is eligible to be referred, the claim is sent to the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) where a hearing takes place before an independent tribunal comprised of Refugee Protection Division members who determine whether the claimant is a convention refugee or a person in need of protection.
A country’s economy can benefit from accepting refugees. They establish businesses, acquire assets, and contribute financially to society. At Cosmic Immigration, we will process your application with priority basis. We will demonstrate to Canadian immigration officials that you meet the requirements to be evaluated under this program.
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